Pet Industry Market Size & Ownership Statistics

U.S. Pet Industry Spending Figures & Future Outlook

The following spending statistics are gathered by APPA from various market reseach sources and are not included in the organization's biennial National Pet Owners Survey.    

Total U.S. Pet Industry Expenditures

Year                 Billions of dollars

2018                 $72.13 Estimated
2017                 $69.51 Actual

2016                 $66.75 
2015                 $60.28 
2014                 $58.04 
2013                 $55.72 
2012                 $53.33
2011                 $50.96 
2010                 $48.35 
2009                 $45.53
2008                 $43.2
2007                 $41.2
2006                 $38.5 
2005                 $36.3
2004                 $34.4
2003                 $32.4
2002                 $29.6
2001                 $28.5
1998                 $23
1996                 $21
1994                 $17   

Actual Sales within the U.S. Market in 2017

In 2017, $69.51 billion was spent on our pets in the U.S. 

Food                                                              $29.07 billion 
Supplies/OTC Medicine                           $15.11 billion
Vet Care                                                        $17.07 billion
Live animal purchases                              $2.1 billion
Pet Services: grooming & boarding     $6.16 billion  


Estimated 2018 Sales within the U.S. Market

For 2018, it estimated that $72.13 billion will be spent on our pets in the U.S.

Estimated Breakdown:                                          
Food                                                               $29.88 billion 
Supplies/OTC Medicine                           $15.51 billion
Vet Care                                                        $18.26 billion
Live animal purchases                              $2.01 billion
Other Services                                           $6.47 billion 


Data sources and notes 

1. Food total is based on PFI research consultant Davenport Co, Packaged Facts U.S. Market Outlook 2017-2018, 2017 Industry Report,  and Euromonitor International Pet Care in the US plus new information generated by the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (US BLS).                                       

2. Supplies based on APPA historical, BCC Research-The Pet Industry, SNIPP Industry Trends 2017, Pet Product News, Grocery Business 2018 Nonfoods Report Packaged Facts Pet Supplies in the US 2017-2018, IBISWorld Industry Report Pet Stores in the US and Projected 2017 Trends.     

3. Veterinary care includes routine vet care and is based on AVMA, Newsweek, Brakke Consulting, Bain & Co, Fountain Agricounsel 2015 Situation Analysis Report and Packaged Facts Pet Supplies in the US 2017-2018.                                               

4. Live Animal purchases based on APPA, AVMA, Fountain Agricounsel, Packaged Facts Pet Population and Ownership Trends and Euromonitor estimates                                         

5. Other Services based on Packaged Facts, Euromonitor, APPA State of the Industry Report, the balance 5 Hot Trends in the Pet Industry, and IBISWorld                                           

6. Other Services include grooming, boarding, training, pet sitting, pet exercise, pet walking, miscellaneous 

7. Pet insurance figures are included in Veterinary Care  .         


Historical Spending

Click here to download data from 2006-2018.                                                                                          


2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owners Survey Statistics: Pet Ownership & Annual Expenses  

According to the 2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, 68% of U.S. households own a pet, which equates to 84.6 millions homes

In 1988, the first year the survey was conducted, 56% of U.S. households owned a pet.

Breakdown of pet ownership in the U.S. according to the 2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owners Survey

Number of U.S. Households that Own a Pet (millions)

Bird                                 7.9
Cat                                  47.1
Dog                                60.2
Horse                             2.6
Freshwater Fish         12.5
Saltwater Fish             2.5
Reptile                          4.7
Small Animal               6.7

Total Number of Pets Owned in the U.S. (millions)

Bird                               20.3
Cat                                94.2
Dog                               89.7
Horse                            7.6
Freshwater Fish        139.3
Saltwater Fish           18.8
Reptile                         9.4
Small Animal             14.0

 Basic Annual Expenses

The section serves as a benchmark and the dollar amounts for the categories listed should not be added to report total spending in the prior 12 months.  It reports an approximate dollar amount based on consumer recollection of their spending in the prior 12 months. The list is not inclusive of all items possibly purchased, as some items fall into “other” expenses and are not reported here.   As such, the dollar amounts should not be added to report total spending in the prior 12 months.

According to the 2017-2018 APPA National Pet Owners Survey, some of the basic annual expenses for dog and cat owners in dollars include: 

                                                      Dogs     Cats    
Surgical Vet Visits                   $474     $245
Routine Vet                               $257     $182      
Food                                             $235     $235       
Food Treats                                $72       $56
Kennel Boarding                      $322     $164 
Vitamins                                      $58       $46
Groomer/Grooming Aids       $84       $30
Toys                                               $47       $30  

**Note: APPA does not ask Survey Participants how much in total they spend on their dog or cats annually. The expenses listed above are not all inclusive and each category was asked separately of the survey participant.